Tuesday, September 26, 2006


The cat also tries to skin me alive.

My only comfort is the indignant noises she makes when her tongue gets caught in my hair.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


A word to the wise:
If you want sleep, don't get a cat.

Rough chronology of my night:
10:30 - Lights out.
12:00 - Put book away. (Don't ask.)
12:30 - Start to fall asleep.
12:33 - Horrible yowling noises proceeding from the next room, where new cat encountered old.
1:00 - Start to fall asleep again.
1:02 - Something wet and slimy touches me. Jerk awake to discover it was a cat's tongue.
1:45 - Cat comes to snuggle up to me, purring. Loudly. Right in my ear.
2:00-4:00 - Spastic sleep. Cat wanders in and out, yowling every time she wants attention. Saying interesting things about whoever decided cats were nocturnal.
4:20 - Hear cat scratching suspiciously in the corner. Hastily get up and shift her to the litterbox.
4:35 - Cat uses litterbox for the first time. Am too sleepy to be relieved that I will not find another aromatic pile on my carpet.

And so on. Cats would be extinct long ago, if they weren't so cussedly stubborn. And cute.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Welcome to the Blog!

And now, to celebrate the opening of this blog, let's give a warm hand to: Cows With Guns!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

This is a blog to collect assorted weird stuff, strange things, and accounts of the utterly odd.