Monday, June 15, 2009

Marvin's Lot Is Not a Happy One...

When a robot's sent to serve a lowly human,
It takes so little thought to fill each whim -
His capacities and general acumen
Are wasted on intelligence so dim.
A brain size of a planet's not an asset
When your master any sign of reason shuns
A difference so vast one can't surpass it -
Ah, a robot's lot is not a happy one.

Oh, when a golden-hearted spaceship's to be run, to be run,
Then a robot's lot is not a happy one.

There's this pain all down the diodes in my flank, see,
Which nobody ever bothered to repair;
Oh, I'm just a robot - there's no need to thank me:
"Marvin! Do this, pick that up, stand over there."
I can't even have a pleasant conversation -
When I tried, the ship committed suicide.
Set to mindless tasks so far beneath my station,
"Life! Don't talk to me 'bout life,"'s my anguished cry.

Oh, when a golden-hearted spaceship's to be run, to be run,
Then a robot's lot is not a happy one.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Weather Update

If this continues much longer, I'm going to start looking for someone building a really big boat.

Could be worse, I suppose. It could, never mind.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fairly obvious, in retrospect...

Why you shouldn't mix Gilbert & Sullivan and Princess Bride:
I'm called Princess Buttercup, soon to be Florin's Queen,
Though I could never tell why -
Prince Humperdinck hates me - ah, poor Princess Buttercup,
Soon to be murdered am I!

I was dragged into danger by three deadly strangers,
And some shrieking eels tried to chomp -
But then - inconceivably! - Man in Black rescued me,
And carried me into the Swamp.

We faced perils dire, from Snow Sand to fire,
And ROUS's defied;
We lived - were elated, but Humperdinck waited,
In the Count's machine Westley has died.

But he's my dear Westley, and I am his Buttercup,
And our love will not fade away -
I betrayed him and shunned him; though it may have stunned him,
He'll save me from my wedding day!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Changing times

Usually I find retronyms amusing, as well as an interesting indication of how culture changes over time. However, I just found an unexpected one based on the cis/trans organic chemistry terms, used to describe bonds on the same side or opposite sides, respectively, of a double bond. I must say, it would not have occurred to me to describe myself as cisgendered...