Monday, May 10, 2010

Profitable careers

Glazier at Crystal Lake
Starbucks in Springwood
Purveyor of explodium to Hollywood

Monday, May 03, 2010


I know, I know...gleeful mutilation of a sacred classic.

O country stalked by terror plague
By waves of undead grain
Your mountain heights no refuge prove,
Yet less your open plain!
O Zombieland, our Zombieland!
More shotguns do we need,
Or they may overwhelm us yet,
And on our brains soon feed!

O trampled now by undead feet
That leave a rotting mess,
And mutilated chunks of meat
Still wrapped in shredded dress!
O Zombieland, our Zombieland!
How long can we survive
When zombies round our walls abound,
With hordes yet to arrive?