Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Speaking of art...

There are simply no words to describe this.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Scholarly artisans

The variety and creativity of work to be observed around campus is quite astonishing. From bathroom stalls to old wooden desks, students have chosen to share their artwork and witticisms with the world. From one small section of one classroom:

- "So there I was, elbow deep in this dude..." (which I elect, for the sake of my peace of mind, to believe is describing a surgeon.)
- A detailed depiction of a cannabis leaf
- "This graffiti is fleeting human contact..."

Along with the usual assortment of insults and crudities, of course.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Political Update

Who's the leader of the land,
Hailed in the USA?
B-A-R-A-C-K O-B-A-M-A!

He's the one we've chosen,
He will lead us day by day -
B-A-R-A-C-K O-B-A-M-A!

Obama! (John McCain!) Obama! (John McCain!)
Forever let us wave our ballots high! (high! high! high!)

Come along and join the throng,
Hear what he has to say,
B-A-R-A-C-K O-B-A-M-A!

See Obama!
See Obama!
We'll have fun, we'll hear his speeches,
He's not one of those lying leeches!
All around the land we're watching

Obama is here!